
3D Modeling & Furniture Renders Creation

The development of information technology has led to the fact that an increasing number of users are gradually moving into the virtual world. It’s no surprise that new features and services emerge regularly to create the most user-friendly computing world. Moreover, this does not happen spontaneously but only when there is a need to update certain computer programs and the emergence of new services that can significantly simplify the life of a modern person.

One of the most demanded services today is 3D visualization. Powered by state-of-the-art 3D modeling technology, this computer service allows you to look into the future and see how the final product will look like. And it doesn’t matter if the project is still under development and is not ready now. Initially, 3D modeling was used for a kind of preview of advertising when it was created. Over time, this service has significantly expanded its influence to other areas of activity, and now it is actively used almost everywhere.

3D Modeling in Furniture Manufacture

Rendering is now considered to be one of the integral parts of interior design development and is used to produce a photorealistic design. To get a 3D model, you just need to take a couple of easy steps:

  • Create and approve a sketch;
  • Measure all the dimensions;
  • Decide on a color scheme;
  • Consider different options of furniture element placement.

Once the sketch is ready, it is then processed and transformed into a 3D model. As rule, this doesn’t take a lot of time and provides a high level of flexibility of design projects. A couple of hours are needed to create a detailed furniture rendering. And in case you need to change a single detail, you can easily do so without an extra cost. 

What Tasks 3D Modeling Perform

You can forget about the days when designers involved in the beautification of residential and non-residential premises drew all their sketches by hand. The whole process is completely digitalized now:

  • New 3D modeling technologies make it possible to use labor resources more organically and efficiently, as well as significantly speed up the process of finding the necessary design solution;
  • The use of 3D modeling allows you to finalize the interior of an apartment or office, choosing those furniture options that most harmoniously fit into the existing appearance of the room;
  • 3D furniture and interior designs are used by salons and furniture manufacturers. With the help of visualization, you can quickly create a portfolio for furniture catalogs, including electronic ones;
  • The main advantage of 3D furniture models is that they can be viewed from all sides and not just from the front. This allows you to draw up the future design project in more detail and will make it possible to distribute interior items in the room with maximum efficiency.

The capabilities of 3D furniture modeling programs allow you to compose and view objects in three-dimensional form. They can be designed ready-made structures with detailing, an exhibition exposition, a material cutting map. It all depends on the specialization, the focus of the software functionality. The following are professional programs that are used not only in the furniture business but also at home. They design both cabinet and upholstered furniture. It all depends on your needs and the goals that you pursue.

3D Modeling Furniture Renders Creation 2

Emply 3D Modeling Tools to the Max!

Today, the design and production of furniture are subject to ever new requirements. On the one hand, classical tasks and development stages have remained the same. At the same time, new technologies have appeared, and they allow designing furniture on computers, visualizing it, and creating 3D models. It is for this reason that specialists from different industries resort to the three-dimension visualization tool.

Advanced manufacturing needs 3D product design software to keep up with global trends. The electronic layout has long become mandatory in world production practice. It solves a number of problems – both in improving quality by identifying and eliminating errors at the visualization stage and from the point of view of advertising and marketing. 3D visualization is currently one of the most demanded computer mechanisms. Moreover, the popularity of this technology is growing every day. More and more people appreciate the attractiveness and efficiency of using 3D modeling tools.

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