5 Most Popular Musical Instruments to Learn as an Adult

If you were to ask fifty random people on the street what it is they would love to do that they have not yet gotten around to yet, it is highly likely that many of them would say they would love to learn to play a particular musical instrument.
So, in order for you to quite literally stand out from this crowd, continue reading to learn of the five most popular musical instruments to learn as an adult.
1. The Piano
First and foremost, the beautiful and ornate piano is often the most popular instrument that not only many people would like to learn to play, but also the musical instrument that many people used to have professional lessons in when they were younger.
Not only will learning the piano improve the average speed of your brain, especially when you realize you have memorized the chords and no longer need to write the letters on the keys, but it can also go a long way to reduce feelings of anxiety, low mood, and stress.
2. The Saxophone
Inarguably the most soulful, deep, and rich sound produced from any musical instrument comes from the saxophone, and this, combined with the aesthetically stunning curves and shine of the instrument itself, makes for a popular choice amongst adults of all ages.
Saxophones are available in a wide range of different sizes and shapes, and learning to play the sax means you can always entertain your house guests with a soulful evening of jazz at many dinner parties to come.
3. The Electric Guitar
The next popular musical instrument, in fairness for people of all ages to learn, but incredibly so with adults, is the electric guitar.
When looking for an electric guitar, shop electric guitars from a prestigious and knowledgeable store. Electric guitars are fascinating instruments to learn and play, and remember, should you choose to pursue this type of instrument, you will also need to invest in a good-quality amplifier.
4. The Trumpet
Next, another incredibly popular and, indeed, particularly cheery musical instrument that can produce a whimsical sound in the same piece of music as a soulful jazz piece is the trumpet.
Learning the trumpet is more of a social endeavor; if you ever get to the point where you would like to play in a local band, there are usually several trumpeters in the section. Another reason why learning the trumpet is an excellent choice is that, believe it or not, it can also do wonders for your physical fitness.
5. The Drums
Finally, although admittedly not as popular with the neighbors, the fifth most common musical instrument that adults love to learn to play, to varying degrees of success, is the drums.
There is no way to possibly argue with the fact that playing the drums is a fantastic way to alleviate stress, but the drums are often described as an easy instrument to learn but an incredibly difficult musical instrument to master.