Home Improvement

5 Reasons You Need Professional Office Cleaning

Keeping an office clean is fantastic for you and your employees. However, when all of the cleaning tasks are your and your employee’s responsibility, this can take a toll on your business. If you’re keeping your office clean at the moment, you’ll know that it takes you away from the important tasks and decreases everyone’s productivity. So, can professional office cleaning services help? Today, we’re looking at what professional office cleaning services can do for your business and your employees and why you should book your office cleaning session as quickly as possible.

Safer for your employees

Offices and the services they provide are extremely important right now, but so is safety. Throughout the pandemic, hundreds of offices around the UK have been shut down because of the employees becoming ill. Having professional office cleaning services can make your office safe and clean for your staff. This is particularly true if the office cleaning company you choose also provides anti-bacterial cleaning services too. With these cleaning service, your offices will be lovely and clean, but it will also be a safe environment for your employees too.

Increased productivity

Working in a dusty, untidy office is no way to work. Studies show that 94% of employees found that they were more productive in a cleaner workspace. The same study showed that 77% of people asked said they produced higher quality work in a cleaner office. So, your employees will work harder for you in a cleaner space and produce work of a higher quality. Office cleaning then keeps your staff, customers and your business happy, so office cleaning plays a vital role in your business.

Reduced sickness

Around 6.5 days per employee are lost to illness per year in the UK. As you already know, offices are breeding grounds for bacteria, so if one employee gets sick, there is a very high chance of everyone getting sick. Of course, offices are not the only breeding ground for illnesses, but having a clean and tidy workspace that is free from bacteria can dramatically reduce the number of sick days your employees take throughout the year.

Stay Organised

A tidy office massively helps you and your staff stay organised. In an untidy office, it is so easy to misplace important documents or meeting notes from the most important meeting of the year. Having a clean office means that everyone can stay organised and on top of their game.

A great environment for your employees to come back to

With many offices being closed for nearly two years now, what better way to greet your employees back with open arms than a clean office? A clean office will ensure that your staff feel safe and motivated to work at the office once more. Having a clean space to work always makes things more pleasurable. However, after a long stint of working in a cramped spare bedroom or at the dining room table, all of your employees will love working in a bright, clean space surrounded by their co-workers once more.

To recap

So, a clean office can reduce sickness in your employees and create a clean and safe environment for them to focus on their job. We haven’t even mentioned that a clean office also gives a fantastic first impression for potential customers of your business too. When your customers come into your office, they will be greeted by happy staff in a clean and focused environment, and what better impression can you ask for?

If your offices are in London, give Cleaning Express a call today. We clean hundreds of offices across London and offer anti-bacterial cleaning services for commercial properties too. In fact, Cleaning Express has every cleaning service your business needs to stand out from the crowd and be a lovely place for your employees to work and thrive.


Blogger By Passion, Programmer By Love and Marketing Beast By Birth.

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