Can work boots cause achilles tendonitis

Working boots can be a considerable issue for people with achilles tendonitis. Cushioned work shoes may reduce the discomfort of he problem, but high heel shoes will often exacerbate it. The best solution is to hold off on wearing such boots until your condition clears up and you’ve fully recovered, but that might mean limiting your job opportunities in some cases.
Achilles tendonitis develops when the shortening and thickening tissues in this area squish the sensitive structures in the ankle — like muscle tissue — and impair movement and function.
- The sole of the boot is too rigid and does not bend with your foot
It is common for the boot to be too rigid and not flex with one’s foot. This could lead to problems with the Achilles tendonitis if not remedied. A quick fix would be to provide your feet more arch support- often by trying shoes on in stores, looking for an orthopedic shoe, or if it is especially bad, switching over entirely to sandals until you can purchase a better pair of boots.
The cause of the stiff boot may be something as simple as boots being worn for an unusually long period of time (and never loosening them) thus causing the leather around your foot to lose its elasticity (hence, don’t walk around wearing them all day).
- The stiffness in the sole causes you to walk incorrectly
The stiffness in the sole, combined with the high shaft and bulky calf, do not provide for optimal alignment of your foot during foot strike or gait. This can lead to improper alignment of your lower spine and higher risk for chronic back pain – both usually associated with achilles tendonitis.
By replacing painful work steel toes these types of work shoes can be replaced by something more comfortable and supportive like blundstone boots which give you all day comfort and support while still looking good so that no one will know except for you! I wear them at my job as a welder.
- You are wearing incorrect sized boots for your feet
In fact, if not wearing protective footwear is something you do on a regular basis then there’s a good chance that your tendons and ligaments are more vulnerable to injury from direct impact trauma.
In the case of work boots causing Achilles tendonitis, this usually happens when the shoemaker has catered to a person with a smaller heel by increasing the angle of slope in forward/inward direction of the heel region at the point where it attaches to area below arch.
- Your shoes are too tight, causing an uncomfortable fit around your heel or ankle
The tight fit around your shoe can cause achilles tendonitis, but it’s also possible that the problem is the shoelace holes. Try loosening or even switching out laces to see if that alleviates the pain. To avoid this problem in shoes in the future, make sure you break in new work boots before wearing them all day; take care when selecting size based on measurements; never tie laces too tight; and stretch your heel with gentle pressure every night before bedtime.
- You have a pre-existing condition that makes it difficult to wear any type of shoe on one foot but not the other
Apparently, a doctor’s note is required to purchase a pair of non-prescription shoes.
Take it from someone who has been there before – this happens to be an all too common problem when dealing with size 12 or larger footwear. In my experience, the most reliable place I have found for plus sizes in general is They have a wide selection and their customer service representatives are very helpful in figuring out what you need, so give them a shot!
- There is something inside the shoe rubbing against your Achilles tendon which can cause inflammation and pain
It might be shoe inserts. A heel insert can go too deep and rub against the Achilles tendon and cause some discomfort underneath the anklebone (Achilles tendonitis).
If you’re wearing shoes with a raised heel, its possible that your body weight is concentrated more on that foot while the other one hangs, which could weaken the Achilles tendon over time. That’s why it’s important to wear sneakers with a flat sole so there is balance between feet. Someone whose social life revolves around their pair of heels should switch to flats or wedges for their day-to-day outfits if possible so they don’t have to sacrifice comfort for style.
A study published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery determined there was a problem with the hardness on the outside of boots which could attribute to some cases of tendonitis that are seen.
Achilles tendonitis is supposedly most commonly caused by an unexpected change in activity level, an accident or injury, over-use – i.e., playing too much tennis without taking breaks – or weight gain – i.e., carrying fat back onto an already-stressed tendon. Anything that changes what you push off your foot can cause problems with Achilles Tendonitis because everything comes through this muscle to help propel you forward-including not only walking but also running, jumping, kicking a ball etc.