CBD for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes widespread body pains, fatigue, sleep disorder, and other mental and emotional distress. There have been several medical solutions to fibromyalgia in the past. However, in recent times, trying CBD for fibromyalgia as a natural aid has become very popular.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is known for its potency in treating inflammation, pains in the muscles, joints, bone, and more. Continue reading to learn how to utilize CBD to alleviate body aches and pains and more about using CBD for Fibromyalgia.
What is CBD?
The cannabinoid CBD (cannabidiol) is obtained from the cannabis Sativa plant, popularly known as the hemp plant. Almost 100 cannabinoids can be found in the cannabis plant, and CBD products are a more concentrated form of them. CBD provides several advantages and is non-psychoactive, so you can’t get ‘high’ from ingesting it. In fact, the chemical that gets you high is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, which is generally found abundant in marijuana.
Unlike psychoactive THC, Many CBD products such as CBD oil and CBD distillate only contain THC that doesn’t exceed 0.3%, Which can’t intoxicate the user.
How Does CBD Work Against Fibromyalgia?
The process through which CBD works to relieve fibromyalgia symptoms in a patient is not yet defined by researchers. Furthermore, the theory as to why it works for certain individuals and not for others is still under test.
However, we can say that its efficiency in relieving pain is based on how it affects the brain. This is because the product may interfere with the pathway of nerves that transmits pain to the brain as well as the entire body system.
When the oil forms a synergy with the CB1 and CB2 of the body’s receptors in the endocannabinoid structure, the outcome of this reaction reduces chronic pain throughout the body.
These receptors are little proteins that are responsible for receiving signals through stimuli, thereby enhancing the cell’s response. Pain and inflammation occur when these endocannabinoids (ECS) receptors are stirred up.
A 2016 review citied that one reason for the occurrence of chronic pain syndromes like fibromyalgia and migraine is the absence or lack of endocannabinoids. By using CBD for fibromyalgia, one can easily correct this deficiency.
What Research Says About Using CBD for Fibromyalgia?
The main part of the body that is most vulnerable to fibromyalgia is the central nervous system. The combining effects of inflammation and fibromyalgia are the contributing factors to pain and brain disorders. According to recent research, the spinal cord and the microglia present in the brain are the significant parts that contribute to the effects of fibromyalgia.
In the Swiss Newsletter study in 2016, Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences found that the therapeutic methods based on the CB2 receptors could provide the solution for inflammation. These therapeutic methods are already documented and published in several different studies, including a study published in 2015.
Furthermore, from 2012 research found that CBD possesses essential properties required to stir up the repair of cells in the brain. This process possibly leads to improvements in the brain of individuals who are living with fibromyalgia.
Is CBD Effective for Fibromyalgia?
CBD for fibromyalgia is effective given that it possesses all the essential components required to tackle the disorder. The interaction or synergy of these components is what makes the product effective. This synergy is referred to as the entourage effect. So, you need to check reviews from trusted sources about the best CBD oil for fibromyalgia. That way, you will get effective CBD oil for fibromyalgia pain.
How to Use CBD for Fibromyalgia or Any Other Pain Management?
There are two major methods to use CBD for the purpose of fibromyalgia or any type of pain management, which include topical and oral methods. The outcome of these methods is similar. Nevertheless, the only area of focus is the quality of the CBD products. Let us now describe the methods of using CBD for pain management:
- Topical Method
This method involves an initial patch test before the actual application. The patch test is intended to help prevent any form of irritation or negative reaction. After performing the patch test, rub the CBD topicals such as CBD creams or salves right onto the affected part.
The effect of CBD is noticeable after certain hours. During this period, don’t apply any additional amount of topicals. But suppose there are no changes after some hours, increase the initial amount. Also, be aware that the required amount is relative to your body weight & your immune system. Always speak with a medical practitioner in this regard before considering this step.
- Oral method
This method works by ingestion or directly taking CBD sublingually. This is the quickest way to get CBD into your body and the fastest way to get its effectiveness. As CBD product comes in forms such as Oils or capsules, both of which are CBD oil-based products. The recommended dosages depend on the potency or strength of the product. The dosage can range from 2.5 mg – 20 mg (of CBD per dose), depending on the weight and health of the individual.
CBD oil is by far the most popular way of taking CBD orally into your system. Most often, you will find people taking high-grade CBD oils for anxiety and depression orally as a quick reliever. But since CBD has anti-inflammatory properties built into its foundation, taking CBD oil orally also affects the inflammatory receptors of the endocannabinoid system, which might lower the sensation of pain.
Side Effects of Using CBD for Fibromyalgia
Although CBD provides some important benefits, here are the risks you might experience after or during usage.
- Appetite loss
- Weight loss
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
Final Thoughts
The benefits of using CBD for fibromyalgia cannot be overemphasized. So, if you are one of those wondering or probably asking, does CBD for fibromyalgia work? You can tell from the findings above that CBD products are effective for tackling fibromyalgia and other general body problems. But always ensure to seek doctor’s advice before purchasing a CBD product.