Check Your BP with iPhone

The Apple blood pressure monitor coupled with the Welltory app is a sure-fire way of keeping tabs on your blood pressure readings. For people living with severe high blood pressure, this duo helps verify that your medication is working besides alerting you to potential complications. Just enter blood pressure readings from your Apple health blood pressure monitor, and the app will offer a clear interpretation of the numbers based on the 2018 ESC/ESH guidelines.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), high blood pressure or hypertension is among the leading causes of death and diseases today. In addition, blood pressure data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that blood pressure, also called hypertension, was the top cause of more than half a million deaths in 2019.
Left uncontrolled, hypertension can silently weaken and damage blood vessels. Over the years, the damage caused to the blood vessels can lead to a myriad of complications, including heart attack (or stroke), heart failure, aneurysm, and dementia. That being said, accurate blood pressure data measurement is vital for evaluating susceptibility to these health problems.
How to turn your iPhone into a Blood Pressure Monitor
Until relatively recently, you were monitoring blood pressure at home required the use of an automated machine that your insurance may or may not have covered. But thanks to the advancement in technology, there are various ways of accurately measuring blood pressure at home without advanced devices.
One of the easiest ways of tracing your blood pressure is with a device that rarely leaves your side – your phone.
Best Blood Pressure Monitor for iPhone
Developers have produced iOS and Android applications that help keep an eye on blood pressure levels and lower the risk of developing blood pressure-related complications.
Welltory is a respected name in most lists of the best blood pressure monitor for iPhone. This is a science-packed app that turns your iPhone into a reliable blood pressure monitor that fits into your pocket.
How this home blood pressure monitor for iPhone works is really simple:
- Download the Welltory app from the App Store and install it.
- Launch the app by tapping the heart rate icon.
- Hold your finger over the camera and flash for around two minutes to get a measurement. Repeat every day.
High Performance with Welltory
Welltory relies on Photoplethysmography (PPG) and Electrocardiogram (ECG) technologies to track your heartbeat down to milliseconds.
PPG is a simple and low-cost optical method that measures volumetric changes in pulsatile blood circulation. Commonly used in wearable blood pressure sensors, this technology relies on low-intensity infrared light to detect even the minutest changes in blood flow. PPG does not quantify the volume of blood. Instead, it detects changes in light intensity to record time-lapse between heartbeats down to milliseconds.
On the other hand, ECG is a quick and easy step that evaluates the heart by monitoring its rhythm and electrical activity. The electrocardiogram is mainly used by BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) devices like Apple Watch, OURA, Withings, and Polar. Welltory uses electrical signals to generate easy-to-understand heart rate variability (HRV) charts when synced with BLE gadgets.
Welltory is compatible with over 120 devices, including FitBit, MiFit, Samsung, Garmin, and apps like GeoSci, Google Fit, Strava, and Noom. This versatility offers you a straightforward way of tracking your overall physical, mental, and emotional health.
Analyzation and Labels
Welltory uses 60+ graphs to give you key insights like productivity, focus, and energy and stress levels. But, remarkably, the app goes a step further to help you plan your day by recommending tasks and evening activities that may help reduce stress and improve focus.
Some of the medical jargon used in the app may be somewhat overwhelming for most users. Luckily, each metric is accompanied by a brief explanation of what it means. Also, the illustrations are done in different colors (red, green, and yellow) for easy understanding.
Real Vision for Older People
These detailed but easy-to-understand graphics make Welltory a fun way of monitoring blood pressure for everyone. In addition, by offering personalized recommendations for how the users can improve their overall personality, mental health, and cognitive abilities, Welltory is truly likable among seniors.
Why Monitor Your Blood Pressure with Your iPhone?
When it comes to taking your blood pressure measurements, there are multiple techniques that you can opt for. But there’s a reason why your iPhone may be your first option:
- It rarely leaves your side, so you can take a BPM heart reading and have it recorded automatically wherever you are.
- If you’re using an advanced Apple blood pressure monitor like Welltory, you benefit from valuable interpretations of the blood pressure chart on the fly.
- The best blood pressure app for iPhone keeps a history of your BP readings in a daily/weekly/monthly format, helping you keep tabs with your condition.
- Because the Apple health blood pressure is always with you, it’s easy to provide your medical data history whenever and wherever you visit a doctor.
Know Your Numbers
Blood pressure relates to the amount of force created by the blood as it pushes through the blood vessels. Blood pressure data is expressed in a fraction, for instance, 120/80 mm Hg.
The first (top) number is the systolic blood pressure reading. It refers to the pressure created in your blood vessels every time your heart beats.
The second (bottom) number indicates the diastolic pressure. Diastolic pressure is the amount of tension in the blood vessels when the heart is resting between beats.
Here’s what different readings mean in terms of your heart health:
- 120/80 and below: normal blood pressure
- 120-129/below 80: elevated blood pressure
- 130-139/80-89: stage 1 high blood pressure
- 140+/90+: stage 2 high blood pressure
- Above 180/above 120: hypertensive crisis
A single high blood pressure reading is not a call for alarm. However, you should consult your doctor immediately if your blood pressure is above 180/120 mm Hg.
High Blood Pressure Symptoms
High blood pressure is often regarded as a silent condition as it does not show clear warning signs until it’s severe. Here are some red flags to be on the lookout for:
- Severe head pain
- Chest pain
- Blood in urine
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness
- Nose Bleeding
- Vision problems
- Irregular heartbeat
Home blood pressure monitoring may be beneficial for:
- Individuals diagnosed with HBP or hypertension.
- Anyone with conditions that increase the risk for high blood pressure, such as elevated blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, physical inactivity, alcoholism, and family history.
- People put on a high blood pressure treatment. Regular monitoring is necessary for tracking improvement.
- Pregnant women who have shown signs of pregnancy-induced hypertension.
Atrial Fibrillation and Blood Pressure Monitoring
Importantly, if you have atrial fibrillation, you should consult your doctor for recommendations on the best way to monitor your BP. This is all because most home blood pressure devices may not offer accurate data.
Myths About Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
Here are the five most common blood pressure misconceptions that you’ll come across (that is, if you haven’t yet):
1. HBP can’t kill you
Thanks to their flexibility, blood vessels can adjust accordingly to make up for changes in blood pressure. That’s why high blood pressure may go undetected for years. However, if left untreated for long, elevated blood pressure can damage the blood vessels causing them to rupture or leak. It can also lead to fatal states, such as heart and kidney failure and stroke.
2. Blood pressure can’t be prevented if it’s genetic
Although high blood pressure has a genetic component, there are several possible ways of preventing it. These include maintaining a healthy weight range, eating a healthy diet, limiting salt consumption, and being physically active.
3. With age comes elevated blood pressure
High blood pressure is indeed more prevalent as people age. However, it’s important to note that kids and young adults are at risk too.
4. Blood pressure and heart rate are correlated
False. While the two are often measured together, an increase in one doesn’t automatically affect the other one. It’s essential to consult your doctor if something doesn’t feel alright.
5. I can stop taking medication when the symptoms fade away
It’s possible to manage high blood pressure and get your readings to the normal range. Unfortunately, there’s no cure for hypertension, so this may be a lifelong condition for some people. That being said, the American Heart Association advises following your doctor’s advice to the latter. Do not increase, stop, or reduce your dosage unless advised to do so by your doctor.