
Common Foot Conditions That Cause Pain

If you have pain in your foot/feet, the biggest problem is that this pain never seems to fade. Since you rely on your feet every day, it’s impossible to avoid the pain that inevitably comes as you get home after a long day of work. But what are some of the conditions that cause this discomfort?


As small abnormalities, bunions cause lumps on the joint of the big toe, and they can even cause the big toe to turn inward. Since women are more likely to wear narrow shoes, they experience bunions more commonly than men. As pressure is placed on the MTP (metatarsophalangeal joint), bunions then develop and cause discomfort for the individual. The best way to treat bunions is to wear more comfortable shoes, use bunion pads, and apply ice to reduce inflammation.

Plantar Fasciitis

Between the toes and the heel bone, the plantar fascia exists as a connection (a thick band of tissue). Running across the bottom of your feet, the tissue sometimes causes a stabbing pain first thing in the morning or after long periods of sitting. The more problems you have with this tissue, the more likely you are to act to prevent the pain. As well as therapies and medication in serious cases, you can use arch support shoe inserts to improve comfort when wearing shoes.


As patches of thick skin, these normally appear on the soles of the feet. Although they may not cause discomfort at first, they can soon develop and become painful. Initially, these tougher sections of skin form to prevent blisters. Yet, they become an issue themselves, and some people need medication or even surgical removal.

Claw Toe

As the name suggests, this is a condition whereby the toe joints point in the wrong direction. For example, the second toe joint may point down while the big toe joint points up. While some people have this problem at birth, others develop it in later life. It’s sometimes a symptom of a larger health problem, such as cerebral palsy, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. If it’s causing pain, doctors will recommend comfortable shoes, splints, medication, exercises, and surgery (for serious cases).

Athlete’s Foot

This time, we reach a fungal infection and one that will soon spread to other areas and other people if care is not taken. Not only do people with Athlete’s foot experience pain, but they also struggle with itching and general discomfort. Normally, people pick up this infection in public spaces such as swimming pools, gyms, and showers. To prevent spreading the infection, you need to isolate yourself using a separate towel from all other members of the household. Then, you should use an anti-fungal treatment either as a powder, spray, or lotion.

Diabetic Neuropathy

When people suffer from diabetes, they can experience blood sugar fluctuations. As blood sugar levels increase, this can cause nerve damage, and the feet are a vulnerable area. This is often worsened by alcoholism, smoking, and other bad habits. You could have diabetic neuropathy if you experience pain, numbness, or tingling in the feet.

Ingrown Toenails

Finally, another common foot condition that causes pain is ingrown toenails. More often than not, these are caused by people wearing the wrong shoes. When shoes are too tight or narrow, this places pressure on the toes. In turn, this causes ingrown toenails (especially when people fail to trim their nails properly).

Other potential foot conditions include:

  • Blisters Heel spur
  • Stone bruise
  • Gout
  • Hammer toe
  • Plantar wart
  • Flat foot
  • Sesamoiditis
  • Morton’s neuroma


Blogger By Passion, Programmer By Love and Marketing Beast By Birth.

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