
Everything You Need to Know About House Sharing

When it comes to spending less on rent, sharing the load is the best way to go. Having roommates is one of the smartest tips for working adults living in expensive areas today, but it’s not always smooth sailing. While you can absolutely rent a multi-bedroom property with friends, this isn’t always an option. If you’re moving to a new area and don’t have people to move in, your options are typically a studio or a house share.

What’s House Sharing?

A house share does technically mean that you’re living with roommates. The difference is that the rooms themselves are rented out individually. You may live with the person who owns the property. You may be with a bunch of other tenants. If one tenant wants to leave, then they don’t have to break the entire property’s contract to do that.

Finding rooms to rent is often far cheaper and easier than finding a studio that’s not just a glorified closet. You’ll usually get more space, and also be able to live in more interesting areas.

House Sharing Doesn’t Just Mean You Get a Bedroom

With a house share, you have your room and then access to the home’s communal areas. This means the bathroom, living room (if there is one), and also the kitchen and any garden spaces. This gives you far more space to work with than you would find in a studio. The difference is that it’s a shared space, so you’ll need to be mindful of your roommates and follow the house’s rules.

You May or May Not Pay Bills

The exact setup will depend on your landlord. Some may have you pay your share of the bills whenever they are due. Others may include bills in the rent price, so you only need to worry about that one payment. You can always negotiate as well, especially if you’re away for work often and, therefore, won’t be using things like water or electricity.

Your Room is Your Space

Your room is your space, which means you can decorate it as you see fit. You should also feel secure in it, which means having a lock on the door so that others cannot enter when you’re away or when you’re asleep. You may not feel the need for that security, but it should always be an option. If you don’t feel comfortable or safe in your space, then your landlord needs to make alterations.

Your Cleaning Responsibilities

One of the key rules is to keep communal areas clean. Tidy up after yourself whenever you cook your meals and take your belongings with you when you leave the room. This helps keep the spaces comfortable for all the tenants.

Of course, that’s just for everyday tidying. You and the rest of the tenants will likely then have to split up chores so that it stays properly clean. Alternatively, you can pool your money together to hire a cleaner. Ultimately it depends on your individual circumstances, as cleaning might be included in the cost of the rent.


Blogger By Passion, Programmer By Love and Marketing Beast By Birth.

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