
Face-off with the CCIE lab exam: What to expect

The CCIE is a technical course that professionals in the networking field can acquire to simultaneously upgrade their skills and resume. The difficult certifications assist the professionals, who are well acquainted with the implementation and maintenance of complex networking systems, to learn and grasp new knowledge in the field and help them improve their skill set.

The CCIE exam has two parts, a written exam and a practical exam or a lab test. For more details about the two, you could look here to understand the specializations this certification offers. Nonetheless, many handle the first part, but the lab exam isn’t a piece of cake.

Things to expect with the lab exam for CCIE

The CCIE’s come with intensive and hands-on lab assignments and exams. For most candidates who have appeared in the CCIE, the lab exam is the toughest nut to crack. While prepping for that, you will probably face the following:-


While solving the lab exam for the CCIE, you will realize that the exam is in three sections. All the sections, although mentioned in the syllabus, are still challenging. The nature of the questions is tricky, and you primarily need to prepare well to solve them right. You can use the SPOTO resources for the prep.


Since it’s considered one of the toughest exams out there, the pressure will get to you. You would be spending hours preparing for it and away from friends and family. That can be pretty stressful for someone not used to the long hours of study.


Another thing you should keep in mind is that the second section of the exam is timed separately. Therefore, you will only have thirty minutes to complete the section, and the section contains a lot of reading material. Furthermore, you would need several months to prepare for this exam, a pretty big commitment, with meagre chances of success. Nonetheless, if you stay persistent and work hard, you are bound to succeed.


Blogger By Passion, Programmer By Love and Marketing Beast By Birth.

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