
Home Interior Designs Perfect for Your Small House

Different houses require different kinds of design to be implemented. Bigger houses with more space and ample nooks and corners have the advantage of being able to bear almost all kinds of design. Medium sized houses can carry out some designs, while with small houses, home interior design professionals need to adopt a clever and practical approach so you can make use of all the space available to you, without a cramped feeling. Thankfully, there are various techniques used by designers today to ensure that you make the most of your tiny house or studio apartment. Read on to know which elements you can incorporate in your small home interior design.

Use Collapsible Furniture

Different pieces of furniture serve different purposes throughout the day. So, one way you can maximise your space is by investing in furniture that folds or collapses when not in use. This can include beds, tables, desks, etc. Like if you’re not using the bed during the day, having a foldable one will help you use the otherwise occupied space for something else during the day. Collapsible tables, which you only need for meal and work, are another great way to ensure that you are only using the furniture on a need basis.

Install Reflective Surfaces

Another strategy you can use to make your small house look bigger is to install reflective surfaces, aka mirrors, around the house. This works wonders in your home interior design because it works on the phenomenon of refractive light in mirrors. Mirrors essentially reflect natural light to give an illusion that the room is much bigger despite the limited space. Another trick is to place furniture near mirrors as it creates the illusion of distance that is not there in reality. Plus, having mirrors around the house is the perfect way to check yourself out every five minutes. No need to rush to the bedroom to fix your hair!

Use Sliding Doors

Instead of using traditional doors, opt for sliding doors which are great space-savers if you are looking to maximise your space. The brainchild of Japanese and Scandinavian designers and architects, these doors slide in and out, saving you the need to free up the space for them to swing open. This allows you to put the items that you want in place without worrying about them blocking the door’s opening. These also work on wardrobes and bookcases. A subset of these types of doors, pocket doors, are also extremely popular these days as they slide right into the wall and use clear mirrors to let the light pass through, making the space seem bigger.

Go for Wall-Mounted Furniture

This is an extremely practical and eye-catching addition to your small home interior design. Mounting your furniture on the wall saves a lot of floor space that would have otherwise been used up by the legs. A favourite amongst these innovative furniture options are wall mounted desks that can make for the perfect place to study and work. When you don’t need them, just put them back up. Even eating nooks are a great option if you’re looking for furniture you can easily retract when not in use. Pro tip – if you want, add a mirror to the bottom of the table so it can have a dual purpose. This can also work for your kitchen space, there are countless door styles, wood species, and paint or stain options available with custom kitchen cabinets.

Add Innovative Storage Pieces

Last, but not the least, use clever and innovative storage spaces around the house to avoid cluttering. Choose furniture pieces that double up as storage hacks where you can stow your things. For example, many coffee tables today come with a massive storage space where you can easily keep your things. Under the bed is also a great idea for adding storage spaces for a cleaner home. Even the small box chairs today are equipped with storage underneath. Soon enough, you won’t have enough things but plenty of storage.

Whether you go for pocket doors or furniture that can be hung up against your wall, there is a variety of options for you to turn your tiny house into a not-so tiny one. With just some cleverly used designs and techniques, you can make optimum utilisation of every square footage you have in your house. If you’re still looking for the best interior designs for small home, be it through the right colours or furniture, reach out to our professionals at BlueMasons .


Blogger By Passion, Programmer By Love and Marketing Beast By Birth.

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