Home Improvement

How Can You Repair Your Carpet With Carpet Patching?

If your carpet has small areas which require repairing, then your carpet might be repaired through patching. Carpet patching is a cost-effective, easy and hassles free method that gives your carpet a refreshed and rejuvenated look. In carpet patching, a damaged area of your carpet is carefully removed by experts and is replaced with an intact patch from the donor’s carpet. Repairing your carpet with this method is not only effective but also needs less expense and involves no hassle.

Things which are needed for carpet patching-

  • Advanced tools and equipment.
  • Steam roller or an old comb
  • Carpet or utility knife
  • Other material
  • Donor carpet
  • Carpet adhesive

Here is the process which experts follow for carpet patching

  1. Check the damaged carpet-

Carpet patching is a procedure that works the best if your carpet is damaged in small spots which are localized but are worn, scorched and stained beyond repair. This procedure is a lot effective for areas that are a maximum of 1 square foot in size. In case you have bigger or more sections, then you may have to consider another option for carpet repairing. You can appoint a professional carpet repair Perth which can offer you complete assistance from assessing to patching your damaged carpet.

  1. Look for a donor carpet-

A donor carpet should preferably be an exact match of the damaged carpet. Patches made by any other carpet can look different and hamper the look of your carpet. Also, in case you have some remnants from your existing carpet, then using them will be a great idea as they would be the best donor materials.

Also, you might be able to buy some remnants of the same carpet but you will need to know the exact brand and style of your current carpet so that you can buy a perfect match. However, in case you do not get the same carpet remnants, then you can cut small pieces from hidden areas of your existing carpet and use them for patching your carpet. Here is a list of hidden places from where you can get carpet remnants.

  • Closets
  • Water heater closets
  • Staircases
  • Under desks or bed
  1. Locate the damaged part-

You can use an awl or capped pen to draw a circle around the damaged carpet area to locate it. You can press the instrument in the carpet and draw a circle around the damaged part of your carpet. Doing this will separate your tuft and also lessen the number of tufts that you need to cut.

  1. Cut the damaged part of your carpet-

Experts will use a carpet knife for cutting the damaged part of your carpet. If you decide on doing it by yourself, then you need to be careful about not cutting extra tufts and retain the good part of your carpet. In case any carpet fibres are tangled, then you can cut them rather than pulling them.

  1. Cut a proper piece from donor carpet-

After marking and cutting the damaged piece from your carpet, the experts will place that piece on the donor’s carpet and cut the same shape as the carpet. This process needs to be done with complete care and without error for getting perfect results.

  1. See whether your donor carpet piece fits well to your carpet-

Before patching your carpet, you need to see whether your carpet piece fits well with your existing carpet. Also, you need to run your hand across your carpet to see where your carpet nap lies. Once you know the direction of your carpet, then you can fix the piece and ensure that it does not move.

  1. Apply the adhesive tape-

For pasting the carpet patch, experts will use carpet tape which has an adhesive on both sides. This tape is extremely sticky and needs only one effort to stick down. However in case you are doing it without an expert’s help then you need to be extra careful because if the adhesive tape is placed on the wrong patch, then it would be difficult for you to pull it off. So, make sure that you have placed the tape on the right patch.

  1. Keep the new patch and press it down-

After marking the right location, experts will place your carpet patch in the marked circle where the tape is already placed and will press it firmly so that it is fixed. Also, a carpet roller, roller or cloth is used to rub on it from all directions so that it gets fixed perfectly without flaws. If you are doing it by yourself, then you will need to pay special attention to the edges as there is a risk of edges ripping out.

Patch the area from donor carpet-

In case the donor area is not visible then you can leave it that way. However, if it is visible then you can also get it patched by using a piece of fabric from the remnant carpet.

At Bullet Cleaners, you will get the best carpet repair services in Perth. This will give your carpet a fresh and rejuvenated look. Our carpet repair services are affordable and hassle-free. So, you need not spend an exorbitant amount on repairing your carpets.

So, call us now and schedule your appointment for carpet repair in Perth.


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