How Much Does Invisible Braces Treatment Cost?

If you have a teeth misalignment problem then getting Orthodontic treatment is important for teeth straightening. The traditional metal braces are used for many years for teeth straightening. However, with the advent of technology, invisible braces are getting popular for Orthodontic treatment. Although braces are effective in teeth straightening, they come with some complications during the treatment process. As the treatment process continues for around 18 to 24 months, it is difficult to live with these complications. The invisible orthodontic braces can make you feel comfortable during the treatment process.
What are the benefits of the invisible braces?
Although the cost of invisible braces is higher compared to the other braces, many people now prefer Invisible braces.
Here are some benefits of using the invisible braces over the traditional braces:
- They are not easily detectable
Traditional metal braces can be easily detected by any third person while smiling or talking. It makes the person feel uncomfortable and their smile appears a little degraded. However, the invisible braces are not easily detectable.
- Easily removable
The traditional braces cannot be removed and it can be removed only with the next appointment with the Orthodontist. As the gap between the next appointments can range only between 2 to 3 weeks, it is difficult to do some basic activities like cleaning the braces and teeth brushing properly.
- Speed up the treatment process
The speed of the treatment process for the invisible braces is a little faster compared to the other braces. The Orthodontist uses all the latest technologies while treating with invisible braces. This helps in speeding up the treatment process. So, comparatively a patient can get early results for the treatment of teeth misalignment.
- Does not cost any irritation inside the mouth
The traditional braces like metal braces, ceramic braces, or lingual braces would create some sort of irritation inside the mouth. However, the invisible braces will not make you feel irritated inside the mouth, they will give a comfortable feel while food chewing.
How much do invisible teeth braces cost?
The value given by the invisible braces is incredible during the treatment process when compared to the other types of treatment. So, the invisible teeth braces cost is definitely a little higher compared to the other types of the treatment. It is difficult to estimate the exact cost of the invisible treatment. The approximate cost of the treatment here will vary between Rs.30,000/- to Rs.70,000/-. However, the exact cost will vary depending on the different factors.
Factors on which the cost of invisible braces depends:
– Complexity of the teeth misalignment.
– In case, there is a need for any tooth removal.
– In case, there is any need for minor surgery inside.
– Location where the treatment is taken.
Who is the right candidate for the invisible braces?
Both teens and adults can go for treatment like the invisible braces. The invisible treatment is generally avoided for children below 14 years of age. This is mainly due to the possibility of negligence for following the proper guidelines. The technologically advanced invisible braces are better suited for college-going students and adults.
What is the process for the invisible braces treatment?
The first visit will be the examination of the teeth structure and taking the necessary impressions of the teeth. After examining, the Orthodontist will draft out the plan and make proper invisible braces. Once the plan is approved finally, the proper invisible braces will be made. The Orthodontist will then put the braces on the mouth and give you the next appointment. The aligners will gradually move the teeth in the desired direction slowly. So, during the next appointment, a new set of aligners will be made which then moves the teeth to the new location from the current location.
After the removal of the aligners, generally, the retainers are given to put on the teeth for a few days. The retainers help to teeth to remain in proper places and avoid moving back to their previous position.
What guidelines to follow during the aligners treatment?
– The aligners must be put in the mouth for around 20 to 22 hours a day.
– Avoid eating hard or sticky food to make the treatment process effective.
– Using the retainers after the completion of the treatment.
– Proper follow of the appointment given by the Orthodontists.
The SDalign is a custom-made invisible orthodontic braces for the teeth misalignment problem. Despite high cost of invisible braces, people prefer using these braces due to the effective treatment for proper teeth alignment.
Expert Opinion:
SDalign are the invisible orthodontic braces that can help to straighten the teeth. Despite high cost of invisible braces, they are getting popular among people for the effective Orthodontic treatment of teeth straightening.
Meta Description:
The cost of invisible braces is a little higher compared to the other braces treatment. Visit Sabka dentist to get effective invisible braces treatment with better results.