How To Catch Kingfish in the UAE?

The King Mackerel, also known as Kingfish in the UAE, is a Scombridae family mackerel. They are found all across Southeast Asia. They are surface fish that live in the top 10 to 20 feet of water. However, do you know how to capture a Kingfish?
In this article, we will share the tips to catch Kings and fishing setups in the UAE.
About Kingfish
Kingfish are ferocious predators, as shown by their razor-sharp cutting teeth. They eat almost all species of baitfish. When it comes to hunting prey, kings are not as subtle as some other species. They do not eat with their teeth or taste their food. They employ their strong bodies’ thrashing to give their teeth a sawing action, swiftly cutting into and through their prey’s flesh.
Kingfish have huge eyes and good vision. So if you have captured a couple, they appear to have stopped biting. It is possible that the biting and thrashing you experienced when catching the first few fish has caused flaws in your lead line. Frays or kinks can now be seen by the keen-eyed fish, giving away the game.
Where Can You Find Kingfish?
During the cooler months, kingfish can be found very close to shore, concentrating on nearshore drop-offs in the hunt of baitfish. They can be found on reefs and oil platforms off the coast. You can also observe them following schools of baitfish; the presence of diving birds is a definite sign of feeding kingfish.
How To Catch Kingfish in the UAE?
The proper usage of the pier is essential to a successful kingfish tackle setup. When using pier fishing for Kings, utilize a leading line that will not be ripped by their razor saw-like teeth.
The fangs of the king mackerel require that anglers use a strong wire leader, but their keen vision means that this can reduce the number of bites you get. It is never easy to strike the right balance between visibility and power in a lead line, but it is especially difficult for Kings.
Many often bring a variety of lead lines with them on their fishing trips. Some people like to use an 80-pound-test fluorocarbon fishing line instead of a wire leader. Anglers for King Mackerel most commonly utilize No. 3, No. 5, and No. 7 lead wire. Between the swivel and the hook, most will use 12 to 18 inches of the lead line. Others may add a few extra inches or even feet, depending on their style.
When it comes to Kingfish setup, a swivel is practically mandatory. When they are caught, they will leap, twist, and generally panic. A swivel should assist in decreasing the number of kinks in your wire lead line that these active fighters can cause.
Learn Your Surroundings
It might be beneficial to get guidance from locals when fishing from an unfamiliar pier. But anglers can be secretive about their tactics and especially so about their preferred fishing sites. Some will even spread false information to confuse unwelcome competitors and keep them away from their hidden smoking locations.
Make an effort to get knowledge from several sources. This way, if you obtain the same information from several persons, you can be sure it is accurate. People from many walks of life congregate on the piers of coastal towns to fish.
Divers with experience can also provide you with a lot of information about the conditions around the pier. Finding the desired species requires knowledge of water depths, reefs, gulleys, and drop-offs. Divers may also be more willing and honest with their information than others since they are not frightened by the competition.
Divers in the water provide the most accurate information, indicating where the baitfish are and which direction the Kings are striking from in real-time. Allow time for divers to leave a specified site before casting. You can keep a lookout for skilled snorkelers who can hold their breath for an extended time.
Bait & Lures
The professionals all agree that live bait is the best technique to catch King Mackerel, but live bait is not always accessible. It is necessary to know what lures to use for kingfish fishing. Dead bait, spoons, plugs, lures, live bait combos have all been used by fishermen with various degrees of success.
Swimming plugs can be effective. But they are frequently destroyed by the ferocity of a King Mackerel. Metal spoons and lures, in general, have a longer useful lifespan than swimming plugs because they are more durable. Neither of these choices is as appealing as a combination of dead bait and lure.
Live Bait for Kingfish
For those seeking the thrill of catching kingfish in the UAE waters, having the right equipment is paramount. Investing in professional snorkel gear can greatly enhance your chances of success. Our collection boasts top-quality professional snorkel gear designed for performance and reliability.
Do not use too much weight while fishing with live bait from a pier. With a balloon float and a good breeze, you may extend your cast. For a fishing rig for kingfish, a live bait setup provides extra distance to your original cast.
For placing mid-water unweighted or lightly weighted, the two-hook live bait rig works great. When possibilities to pitch-bait life at feeding kingfish present themselves, a single hook setup is preferable.
Mechanical kingfish jigging setup is about jigging methodically and rhythmically. When dealing with knife jigs, the essentials are to pump the jig up. Then, wind it down as rapidly as possible. Prepare to have your jig eaten once you have hit the top of your retrieve, as kingfish are known for catching you off guard.
Lures and Spoons when Fishing for Kingfish
To begin, match the size of your lures to the fish you intend to capture. If the retailer does not have the size you desire, choose smaller instead of larger; unless you want big fish.
With a small hook, you can catch a big fish. But, you cannot catch a small fish with a large hook. However, the biggest King Mackerel prefers the larger bait. A skirted lure may make a tiny bait appear larger.
If you have the time and can catch live bait along the pier, it is ideal. But you can also catch King Mackerel using a pier fishing lure. Mackerel poppers are also an innovative option.
Rods and Reels
You can use a kingfish rod and reel setup for fishing. On a 6.5 to 7ft light to a medium-light rod, a mid-sized conventional reel works nicely. Use an 8000 size spinning reel on a 6.5 to 7ft light to medium light rod if you are using a spinning reel. If you’re using a monoline, 30lb should be enough. If you’re utilizing braids, a 30lb to 65lb kingfish rod setup is ideal.
During the hottest months of the year, kingfishers will bite all day. However, during the warmest portion of the day, trolling leads may not penetrate deep enough to attract bites. A kingfish rig setup will let you fish as deep as you need to catch bites when it gets this hot. On many days, you may have to fish 50 to 100 feet deep to receive any bites. You will need an 8- to 10-pound King Mackerel rig setup ball.
Tips for Catching Kingfish from a Pier
- Use a long fishing rod while fishing from a pier. On a boat, short rods are ideal. They take up less space, among other things. When casting from a pier, a longer rod can provide you with an accurate position.
- When casting, be mindful of your surroundings and, if required, you can cast underhand. Casting overhand typically gives you greater distance, but it is also risky. The risk to you and the people around you rises if you have an extended lead line.
- Bring the fish closer with your rod while the reel picks up the slack. The handle of a reel is not meant to crank the whole weight of your fish. However, if you do not use it properly, it may break.
- Maintain a low drag setting on your reel. When you hook up with a King Mackerel, the first run is generally quick. Kings might snap the line or pull the hook if your drag setting is too heavy. So, before starting the fight to tire them out a little, you might allow them to run a hundred feet or so of low-drag line off the reel.
When You Have a Kingfish Hooked
- Maintain a tight line. Kings are fierce fighters that will jump and twist while gnashing their teeth as you reel them in. Keeping the line tight will clarify that the fish’s teeth do not get beyond the lead line.
- Pull in the other direction. Pull to the left if your fish is pulling to the right, and vice versa. This method not only exhausts the fish and keeps the hook set, but it also keeps the line out of the teeth’ danger zone.
- When handling baitfish, use wet hands. Dry hands create black markings on live and dead baitfish. King Mackerel may notice it and get turned off for it.
- Use a variety of colored lures. In saltwater, sunlight illuminates colors differently at various times of day and at different depths. Red-colored lures are more effective in the morning, according to data. Around lunchtime, blue produces the best results, while a bright gold hue attracts the most bites later in the afternoon. When fishing farther down, brighter fluorescent colors tend to produce greater results.
We hope you enjoyed our guide on catching Kingfish in the UAE. If you are interested in catching king mackerel, use these tips and methods to get the job done.