
How to grow professionally as a teacher: tips to follow

We all enter into a particular job field as freshers to learn more, develop the right skills and grow in the professional journey. Professional growth for a teacher means possessing and practicing the right teaching strategies, enhancing students’ outcomes, having all the updated knowledge, and continuing to rise in the job field. Let us discuss some effective tips that teachers can follow for their professional growth and development. 

Tips for teachers to ensure professional growth and development 

  1. Goal setting 

For growth in any profession, setting goals is the first step that one needs to follow. To grow as a teacher, set goals. Your goals should be anything or everything coming to your mind. Don’t compare yourself with others, set a goal that is specific, measurable, realistic, and suitable for you. Set short-term goals as they are easy to achieve and keep you motivated and enthusiastic for continuing the effective work. 

  1. Switch to technology

In the twenty-first century we are living in, all the professional sectors have been modernized. All the work is now being done digitally. Leaving behind the conventional ways of working, technology has reached everywhere. To grow as a teacher, you should not limit your teaching to pen paper modes and textbooks. You should adapt to technical skills. 

For example, instead of maintaining lists and registers, you can use a student attendance management system for maintaining all the attendance records of students with just a few clicks and taps. Using online teaching apps and sites, you can access several audiovisual tools like educational video modules, demonstrations, picture cards, PowerPoint presentations, and more. With the help of visualization, students tend to understand the concepts better and quicker. Technology will help you to work smart, more effectively, and efficiently. 

  1. Take suggestions from the experienced teachers

Another tip that you can follow to grow in your teaching field, is interacting and taking suggestions from fellow teachers. In the educational institute, there will be some teachers who are more experienced and senior than you. Their teaching span and experience are more than yours, so try to learn from them. 

You can attend their lectures or classes to see the way they teach or ask curious questions from them. The suggestions and advice received will help in the teaching improvement. The experienced teaching staff uses the best school management software for completing the teaching duties properly. You can also practice the same for growth and development. 

  1. Listen to your students

In the growth and development of teachers, students play a significant role. So make sure to take feedback from students. You can conduct a survey or you can have meaningful discussions with them. Make your students feel comfortable so that they don’t hesitate to share their thoughts. Ask them whether the current teaching practices are suitable or what changes they want. Jot down the ideas and reviews of students. Think wisely, and later make necessary changes and additions to your classroom. 

Other tips to follow 

  1. Attend workshops and seminars: another beneficial tip in this regard is to attend seminars and workshops. These are the programs launched to help teachers grow, and continue to provide students with a quality education. 
  2. Read: We all know that knowledge is the key to growth and success. Reading is one of the best ways to broaden your knowledge, learn new things, and have up-to-date information. Teachers can read educational blogs, articles, and research on different sites via the internet. You can also buy an educational journal or a magazine to have the idea of creative and effective teaching practices. 
  3. Watch relatable videos: to grow as a  teacher, and practice the right skills to teach, watching videos is helpful. On YouTube, you can watch the recorded lectures and informative videos of popular speakers. You can also watch videos on important topics such as time management, how to improve class participation etc. 
  4. Don’t be afraid to try new: many times, teachers get very comfortable with the current teaching practices and fear trying anything new. This can make their teaching monotonous and less effective for students. Try to be more creative and innovative. As per the knowledge received, try something new. Don’t be afraid to take a risk. 


Every teacher, when beginning with the teaching, aims to grow in the job field and become successful one day. By following the above-mentioned tips, teachers can ensure their professional growth and development. We also discussed a few other ideas such as reading, watching YouTube videos, being creative, and trying new stuff to enhance your teaching skills and become better. 


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