How to make CBD oil at home

Many studies over the years have shown that cannabidiol has numerous therapeutic benefits for humans. This has caused us to hear more and more about this cannabis compound.
Nowadays, the best organic CBD oil is frequently used for therapeutic, nutritional, and even beauty purposes. This has caused that there are many ways to consume CBD through different products, however, one of the most famous ways for its effectiveness is through CBD oil. Even though you should always buy CBD from a professional and licensed provider, we are going to show you today how you can make your own CBD oil at home.
What is CBD and what are its benefits?
Cannabidiol, known as CBD, is a non-psychoactive component in the cannabis plant, it is one of the two most important cannabinoids and its proportion is variable. CBD despite being a compound that is extracted from cannabis has no psychoactive or psychotropic effects, making it a relatively much healthier compound.
The therapeutic benefits of CBD or cannabidiol have been widely proven by different scientific studies that point out that this substance present in the composition of Cannabis Sativa has the following medicinal properties:
- Anticonvulsant properties.
- It is effective against muscular spasticity
- Neuroprotective
- Anxiolytic and antipsychotic
- Analgesic and anti-inflammatory
- Some studies also indicate that cannabis can contribute to the treatment of psoriasis.
How to prepare CBD oil
As we commented above, CBD, in this case, CBD oil, is very beneficial for many things, so we will be showing you the best way to prepare it from home.
There are different ways to prepare CBD oil, the most famous being with alcohol and with oils respectively. However, today we will focus on teaching you the fastest way to make your CBD oil, which is with carrier oils.
Ingredients required
- 28g approx. of hemp flowers
- 450g approx. of carrier oil (it is best to use hemp oil or coconut oil, but you can also use olive oil or any edible vegetable oil)
Materials you will need
- Double saucepan
- Baking sheet
- Weed grinder (or knife)
- Cheesecloth, coffee filter, or something similar
- Funnel
- Glass jar with lid for storage
Steps to prepare the oil
- The first thing to do is to use the grinder and start grinding the hemp flowers, these should be fine but not become powder, that is to say, ideally, they should be small and uniform pieces. If you do not have a grinder, you can use a knife without any problem, the only disadvantage is that it will take a little longer since you always have to try to make the pieces uniform.
- Then you will have to spread the previously ground hemp flowers on a baking sheet.
- Then you will have to introduce the tray in a previously heated oven, you must leave the hemp in the oven for about an hour. With this oven process, the decarboxylation process will take place, during which the inactive CBDA is converted into active CBD. After the hour of baking has passed, the ground flowers should be crisp and slightly brown.
- Now you must mix the flowers and the oil you are going to use so that the extraction process can begin. Place the flowers and the oil in the top of a double boiler, to create a bain-marie effect, fill the lower container with a little water and put it over low heat. At this point of the preparation, you should wait between two and three hours. It will be ready when you see the final product with a green to brown color.
- Next, you should carefully separate the pan with the hemp and oil mixture from the other pan with hot water. Take a jar or airtight container, place the cheesecloth (or filter of your choice) over the jar and pour the mixture into the container. Lightly squeeze the filtered hemp to extract as much oil as possible, and then you can discard the remains of the flowers.
- Finally, close the container (with an airtight seal) and store it in a cool, dry place.
This is a very simple and quick way to prepare CBD oil from home. Although, keep in mind that making the oil by yourself may endanger the formula, you should always aim to buy your CBD oil from professionals who can measure its components thoroughly.