Inside the Studio of a Clothing Product Photographer

There are all sorts of photography out there. Some are taken just like that instantly without thinking twice. Some are travel photography were lot of preparation needed to make the trip happen. Then there are personal photography or event photography such as wedding photography, birthday photography, corporate party photography, newborn photography and what not. Among all types of photography out there, most demanding and lucrative photography arena out there is commercial photography. There are so many different types of advertising photography out there requiring wide range of related supplemental services along with it. For example, for clothing product photography, one most common type of related editing service needed is ghost mannequin service.
How Does an Apparel Product Photography Studio Look Like?
A photography studio is just what it is, a photography studio. It will have all elements of a photo studio such as a studio stage or studio floor where the photoshoot will take place, will have various camera setups, softbox lighting, backdrop and all types of props to accommodate the photoshoot.
Clothing product photography studio pr apparel photo studio will have one extra item on the floor and that is fashion product mannequins. We all see those fashion product or clothing mannequins on the retail store floors in any retail clothing store will have dozens of these clothing mannequins showcasing the clothing items. The question is, why would an apparel product studio will have these mannequins where there are just shooting the product image and not selling or showcasing any items for sale?
Answer is pretty simple. Even though the studio is not selling any product, they are shooting the products displayed on mannequins. The reason is, in order to make a ghost mannequin image to get its shape and form, the item must be on the mannequin during photoshoot. Since no ghost mannequin service can be performed on the images if they are not on a mannequin, mannequins are must to have objects for an apparel product photography studio.
What Happens Once the Photoshoot is Done?
Once the photoshoot is done, the images are handed over to clipping path service provider for post processing. A clipping path service provider uses image cut out or clipping path in photoshop to cut out the parts of the images needed to form a ghost mannequin look.
This specific clipping path service to form a ghost mannequin photography is done by not just any average Photoshop editor. It is done by commercial image editing studios where there are skilled in performing such action. Since this is commercial work and the images are used for product promotion, only high end editing and retouching is accepted for this. Any second grade editing by rookie editors will not cut it.
Once the retouch studio gets to do the required editing to form a ghost mannequin 3D look for the product images, these images are then ready for commercial publication. As you can see, the entire process is very complex and requires several stages of collaborated work between few teams, and most cases collaborated efforts between three or more companies.