Our list of free full movies in French

Tired of scrolling through the endless pages of streaming platforms? Here is a selection of full films in French and free. Enough to fill your evening program and find an alternative to Youtube and Netflix in these open access fictions.
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Voir le jour , full movie on the meaning of life
Available for free on KuB, this short fiction film features a man whose life lasts only 24 hours. An infant in the morning, an old man in the evening, he crosses all the ages of life in one day. He seeks himself while seeking to understand the world he has just arrived in like a visitor. This full movie in vf is an invitation to savor every moment of an existence which passes in the blink of an eye.
Quidam, a French comedy from A to Z
It is the story of a misunderstanding. Recently left by his wife, Samuel meets Charles, who takes him for someone else. This misunderstanding allows him, for a short time, to get out of his sad life by becoming someone else. In this free full movie, several individuals come to talk to Samuel taking him for the person he wants him to be. This film can be found in full and for free on KuB.
The End of the World , a full tragicomic film
When will we become aware of this problem of overconsumption? This complete film in French represents with black humor the evening of the end of the world in the temple of modern comfort and consumption, a supermarket. The end of the world is a scathing fiction about the irresponsibility of our society in the face of the degradation of the world in which we live. This disaster film à la Tati can be found in full on KuB.
Le Cid , a full theatrical film
A tragicomedy to see in full, which will delight young and old. Le Cid is a full movie streaming in French, inspired by Crow’s play, where humans have given way to costumed insects. This animated short stages a story of revenge: torn between the honor of his father and the love of Chimène, Rodrigue is faced with a terrible dilemma (Cornelian!). On the program, duels choreographed like bullfights to flamenco-inspired music that recall the Castilian origins of Cid Campeador . Le Cid is available for free streaming on our site.
This complete film shows the daily life of Gargantua, a giant from medieval folklore, then popularized by the pen of Rabelais. In this fiction, he is portrayed as an outlaw, an ogre but gourmet, boorish but cinephile, recluse in the heart of the forest. Released in full, the short film remains close to Rabelaisian history while adopting a western style à la Django Unchained .
Its Indochina
As Émile blows out his 80th birthday, an unexpected element will bring back memories of a veteran. Completely overwhelmed by these reminiscences, the grandfather remembers almost all the horrors he lived, but also a love of youth. Directed by Bruno Collet, Son Indochine is an animated short that questions memory, trauma and family taboo. A full movie to watch on KuB.