
Subtle Signs of Sexual Harassment Can be Seen in Las Vegas

It is likely that when you hear the term “sexual harassment,” you picture a snide boss caressing a worker impermissibly or an instructor making filthy remarks about a student’s appearance. Under the Nevada Fair Employment Practices Act and Title IX, these unwanted sexual advances are prohibited, but other behavior might not be as evident as these two examples.

If you ever face such sexual harassment in your work area, you can always contact an employee rights attorney in Las Vegas in Ace Law Group. These attorneys have defended many Las Vegas harassment victims in various courts and helped negotiate settlements. 

The following are a few signs of sexual harassment common in Las Vegas.

  • Comments about physical appearance

Distinguishing between a compliment and harassment can be challenging at work. Women may stay silent due to uncertainty when faced with an uneasy comment.

  • Stalking through digital media

Another subtle sort of harassment is that which occurs online. Making rude comments, sending improper photographs and videos, etc., are not subtly done. They stand out among the others.

  • Physical harassment that may not be sexual

Sexual harassment is not limited to unwanted advances or physical touch, it encompasses any unwelcome physical contact causing discomfort.

  • Constant flirting without consent

It is acceptable for an employee to ask a colleague if they find them attractive. If declined, professionalism should be maintained continued pursuit is an issue.

  • Romantic relationships that often turn sour

Since most employees spend their time at work, many people meet their romantic partners there. However, things alter when a relationship ends and one of the participants is not prepared to move on.

  • Unwelcome jokes and conversations with sexual nature

Among friends or co-workers with high comfort levels, sexual jokes may be common. Yet, such conversations can lead to a hostile work environment and constitute sexual harassment.

  • Retaliation if sexual harassment is reported

Naturally, individuals usually don’t welcome complaints against them. Retaliation occurs when someone accused of sexual harassment punishes the complainant in response.

  • Forced to “Play Along”

Often, every sexual harassment may not be done to harass someone. At times, the person harassing may not have any intention to harass someone. The person may not even be aware that someone will take offense to his actions.

Because there is not always observable proof of sexual harassment, others may ignore it. This does not lessen the psychological misery and agony a victim goes through. Raising awareness of sexual harassment is the only way to address this problem and enable workers to identify it when it occurs.

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