The advantages of LED bulbs

What you need to know about LED bulbs?
LED bulbs get their name from the light-emitting diode technology it contains for providing illumination. Originally reserved for indicator lights of electronic devices and road and city signage, the technology now extends into television and computer screens and ends up in a lamp for domestic use.
Offered at increasingly affordable prices, the LED bulb has nowadays replaced incandescent and halogen bulbs. It is also beginning to supplant compact fluorescent bulbs thanks to a good light output. It is available in several shapes and sizes with several types of base to facilitate replacement in the fixtures of old classic bulbs. (For range of LED bulbs click here).
What else do LED bulbs have?
The main advantage of the LED bulb is its very low power consumption compared to older models, up to 90% less than an incandescent bulb. And with this economical technology, it heats very little and does not contain mercury. The other strong point of the LED bulb is also its longevity which can be up to 3 to 4 times longer than a fluorescence lamp. It does not emit UV, lights up instantly when it is turned on but above all is resistant to repeated switching on and off. The last feature of the LED bulb is that it offers a variable beam angle.
A multitude of uses
Another interesting property of LED bulbs is that they can be used anywhere in the house. Whether as mood lighting for the different rooms of the house or as outdoor lighting. They adapt to all types of lighting: ceiling lights, wall lights, pendant lights, spotlights, or even bedside lamps. You can opt for an LED bulb to mark out a staircase, a closet, a garden path or even highlight your swimming pool or a bed outside. Inside, it can be used as a lamp for a child’s nightlight. In short, the uses are numerous, you just have to choose what suits each luminaire.
Choice of shape and base
Getting your hands on the perfect LED bulb comes down to identifying a few important variables – starting with bulb shape and base. Question form, it comes in different types and sizes. The standard shape is that of the A19 & A21 bulb with their diameter measured in eighths of an inch. It is also necessary to differentiate between the different bases available: types E with screw, types B with bayonet or even GU10 with pins. Just be careful when switching to LED with your old halogen lights, as LED bulbs are larger.
How to choose an LED bulb
The criteria for choosing an LED bulb are:
Lighting angle
It is the cone of diffusion of the light and which determines the perimeter illuminated by the bulb. The wider the angle, the larger the illuminated area and the narrower the angle, the more targeted the lighting.
Power and brightness equivalence
Where old bulbs displayed their power in Watt, with LED bulbs the concept of Lumens (lm) is used, which no longer measures the power but the quantity of light emitted by the bulb. The more lumens a bulb has, the more it illuminates.
Color temperature
The color temperature is noted in Kelvin (K). The higher the number in K, the cooler the color and the lower the number, the cooler the color temperature will be.
Color rendering
It is the capacity of the LED bulb to restore colors. It is measured with the CRI index (Color Rendering Index), a number varying between 0 to 100. The higher the CRI, the better the color rendering.
The possibility of using a light dimmer
The last point to do with your LED bulb is to determine if it is dimmable. The fact that it is dimmable indicates that it can be used with a dimmer.
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