
The Rise and Fall of Fake Marijuana

Yes, with the legalization of weed, wizard smoke has become a killer spice. The fact is when you have something good going on the market, everyone copies it. They make it cheaper and worse to make money. The problem is that cannabis is no exception. So to help you choose the best distillate, it helps to know how to spot a fake, right! Of course, so we are going to show the different artificial phases of herbal blends.

Phase One Fake Pot Misleading Herbal Blend

During the 80s, you found many ads for primo mail-order weed. These have enticing names such as Afghanish, Thai-Stix, BC Hydro, to Rasta Blend. These were advertised as Ultra Wizard Smokes. They also looked like perfect examples of premium cannabis cultivation sealed in glass tubes.

Yet they were sending fake weed, making loads of cash, but this happened before dispensaries started in many states. So what was it if it was not weed? While many people read the label, it sounded like stoner stuff, but that is the trick. Also, the terms were misleading, such as dogbane would be Indian hemp, and so on.

Great, have you ever heard of substance-producing hallucinations named Salvia Divinorum? This stuff has Salvia O on that label, but it refers to a common herb known as Sage. Yip, it was a dangerous game to play as it led to using many other herbs. The fact is the list went on and on as you found people using spices such as ginger, marigold, and lettuce in

So no matter what you smoke, you will feel a buzz as these herbs have been used in smoking blends with very mild psychoactive effects. So it was a rip-off. You would receive it in the post, but it does not look like weed, and only compressed herbs once opened up. The fact is that they used these things in the movies for actors when inhaling tobacco or some weed on the screen.

The great thing is those herbs did not hurt anybody but the stuff that follows now can.

Phase Two Fake Killer Synthetic Cannabis

If you are a marijuana user, you know by now that the active ingredient cannabis is called cannabinoids. These include chemicals such as CBD and THC. Yet, with science, you can create powerful ones that nature provides. Well, these are synthetic cannabinoids that cause severe psychoactive effects and health risks. Similar to cocaine, it can cause withdrawal symptoms, so people become more compulsive using it.

So it resulted in another fake pot known as K2 and Spice in the 2000s. These are novel chemicals as people spray a synthetic cannabinoid onto the base of some herbs. So it became a harmless drug with benefits and a potent concentrate leading to today’s opium business. However, people, these things are harmful as it has toxic ingredients in them. For example, a batch was found with a blood thinner mixed, leading to bleeding from the eyes.

Final Thoughts

So if you are unsure about what you are buying online, it is essential to buy it from a legalized dispensary. Your pure marijuana or any other form of CBD and THC products needs to give you red eyes with munchies and not kill you in the process.


Blogger By Passion, Programmer By Love and Marketing Beast By Birth.

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