The Top 5 SEO Strategies Google Recognizes & Rewards

There are more than three billion browser searches performed every day on Google’s search engine. There will always be consumers searching for a specific product or service online.
People type in specific keywords on Google’s search bar, which are relevant to a business, whether they are a simple startup or a huge brand.
Google search data showed that, 600 to 700 people each month could be potential customers for a business, who can use trusted SEO Sydney services. It is because they searched keywords relevant to a particular business.
Despite the very specific query, thousands of businesses in the same niche provide the same product or service. Hence, there is very stiff competition.
With this in mind, entrepreneurs must recognize what search engine optimization (SEO) strategies Google will likely notice and identify. It is to improve a business website’s ranking on Google’s search engine.
So, what are these rewarding SEO strategies? To find out, read through this post.
1. Optimized Keywords
Experts from SEO Sydney services say to start researching a valuable keyword for a business website’s content.
Contrary to what many people believe, Google is not that fond of recognizing keywords that are mass-produced. It always chooses and favours keywords that are curated with quality. So, it is always not about the numbers but the entire relevance of the keyword used in optimizing website content.
Google’s first page results get 70% of all search traffic clicks, while in recent years, it increased to 92%.
2. Alt Tags & Meta Descriptions
Aside from good-quality content and good-quality keywords, Google also rewards a well-made meta description and alt tags.
But Google does not recognize these meta descriptions or alt tags if they are not properly placed or properly made. Google only rewards those that truncate snippets which are limited to only 160 characters. Thus, it is excellent to keep meta descriptions and alt tags short or brief but still enough to properly describe the website’s content.
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3. Encrypted HTTPS
Also known as Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), Google does not miss rewarding websites that are secured and safe to visit. Secured websites that are encrypted and have HTTPS on their URL are more credible than those that do not prioritize security to their user. Many people these days look for trusted websites where they can purchase and transact online with peace of mind.
4. Quality Backlinks
Backlinks are very useful to boost a site’s search engine ranking on Google.
Google’s system and its algorithm consistently check each of the links of a single website. It then processes each link to determine its relevance and value. Those backlinks that are relevant and come from a higher domain are the ones that Google recognizes.
5. Social Media Promotions
Social media is a platform that never fails to promote a website that Google never fails to reward. Many social media platforms offer users who intend to advertise options to help increase traffic to their sites. For entrepreneurs, it is best to take advantage of all these options, especially with its paid promotions, to rank higher on Google’s search engine.
Final Thoughts
The SEO strategies listed above have been proven and tested many times over. With that in mind, it is best to invest some time and resources to see which of these are the most effective in a business. Nevertheless, all of them worked excellently and always got Google’s attention.