
Tips To Crack NEET Exam With A Breeze!

As a medical aspirant, it is vital you have strong foundations in order to clear the cut-off of the NEET exam which is the national exam for pursuing undergraduate courses in medical sciences. With lakhs of students appearing for it every year, having an edge with your preparation can land you a good AIR and eventually your desired college. 

Before applying for this nationwide exam, you should be aware of the eligibility criteria and

exam pattern for it. For State and All India Quota Seats, the minimum age for aspirants to apply for NEET-UG is 17 years. The upper age limit is 25 years. NTA offers 5 years of relaxation for ST, SC. AND OBC candidates. The candidates should pass in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English separately. Additionally, a 50% aggregate in Biology, Physics, and Biology is a must for general category students.

An exam like NEET requires perseverance and planning to make sure you perform your best on the D-day. Below are some tips and tricks to accelerate your preparation journey and take get a step closer to your dream college. 

Create a study schedule

Your exam preparation should begin by preparing a timetable for your studies. Devote enough time to all the four subjects – Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Botany. Chalk out a plan of action in order to ensure hassle-free preparation. This can also help you develop better time management skills before your test. You should also take adequate breaks to recharge your mind and start afresh. Make sure you follow the timetable to a T! 

Focus on grasping the concepts

There will be questions from all the difficulty levels ranging from easy to difficult. It is crucial that you master all the areas within the academic calendar. NCERT can help you understand the topics and also has a range of back exercises to test your knowledge. However, you can also make use of some reference books available on the market. Another tried and tested method of achieving mastery is by solving question banks, previous year questions papers, sample tests etc. You can easily search NEET 2019 Question Paper with Solutions online and you’ll have the paper right in front of you ! For Physics, you can use Concepts of Physics Vol I and II by H.C. Verma and The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. II & Vol. II. You can refer to Physical Chemistry for Medical Entrance by OP Tandon for overcoming Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry by M. S. Chauhan for Organic Chemistry. 

Find resources online

The Internet generation has a vast space online to explore. Books, PDF files, video lectures are all a click away and give you ample study material without having you step out of your house. There are several YouTube channels out there that will offer a detailed overview of all the textbook questions, along with tips and tricks to master all concepts. Video lessons are considered as much more engaging than others, as they make lessons fun and easy to understand. The best part? You can watch them multiple times and at your own pace from anywhere in the world! 

Make use of mnemonics and graphs to retain information

Science subjects carry a lot of technical jargon which many students find difficult to retain till the exam day. However, instead of mugging these up, you can make your own mnemonics to learn the animal kingdom or periodic table with ease. This will help you recall important but confusing information much easily during your final exam. 

Consistency is key

This is one gruelling exam that will require you to burn the midnight’s oil to sail through. However, once you crack, it all becomes absolutely worth it. As such, let this motivate you and keep you going till you finally attain success. Make sure you practice daily without fail. Revise your concepts weekly and put your knowledge to the test by solving mock papers. This will help you figure out your strengths and weaknesses. If you find any concept or problem difficult, conquer it by practising plenty of times! 

Take help of teachers and mentors

There are a lot of coaching institutes that focus entirely on NEET preparation. You can enrol in such institutes and clear your doubts pertaining to all topics. These institutes will also provide you with material curated by experts to give you ample practice to prepare well for the exam. You can also study in groups, as doing this will help you clear your doubts much more comfortable. 

Revisions can do wonders

Over the course of 2 years, you have enough time to study and revise the concepts multiple times. Make sure you start making notes from class 11th onwards and throughout your preparation, as they will come in handy at the time of revision. Your notes should comprise theorems, laws, reactions, properties, facts, nomenclature, and anything else that you find important. Revising things can boost your confidence before the exam and help you retain information for a longer duration of time.

Devoid yourself of any distractions

This exam is not only about testing knowledge but also about mental stamina. Try to take care of your mental and physical health in order to avoid burnout. Take short breaks, meditate, do some form of physical activity, and keep your stress levels under control. Take proper sleep and eat healthy meals to concentrate better on the preparation. Also, make sure you keep yourself at bay from distractions for a while. It wouldn’t arm to quit social media for a while or to keep your phone aside for a couple of hours. Do not take calls or reply to messages during your study hours as doing so will break your flow.  

NEET is an exam that shouldn’t be feared but in fact, dealt with sheer confidence. These above-mentioned tips can definitely help you expedite your prep and make you excel with flying colours. All the very best! 

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