The victims of a truck accident have two primary options. They can settle for an insurance claim, which will cover their medical bills, or they can take their case to trial. In some cases, a jury trial may be necessary, especially if the accident resulted in permanent disability. Those who are injured in a truck accident may also be eligible to bring a third-party personal injury claim against the driver of the negligent truck. This type of lawsuit can supplement workers’ compensation benefits. During an initial consultation, an Truck injury attorneys will examine the evidence and discuss the legal options.
While truck drivers are the primary suspect in many accidents, the company that hired them may be responsible for the crash. Trucking companies are required by law to follow strict regulations, ensure the drivers have the proper training, and maintain their fleet of vehicles. If they fail to do so, they may be held responsible for the accident and any injuries suffered by their employees. Another cause of a truck accident is a defective auto part. Common auto parts that might fail during a crash are brakes, steering wheels, and lights.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulates the trucking industry. However, many trucking accidents occur despite these rules. Despite the regulations, truck drivers do not follow them, and the resulting injuries are often devastating to the innocent victims. Those injured in a truck accident may be entitled to significant compensation. There are also laws in place to ensure the safety of truck drivers, and a truck accident attorney can protect your rights as a victim of this type of injury.
Attorneys who specialize in these cases may have unique skills. An accident reconstruction specialist may provide essential insight and interpret evidence, and an expert witness can help determine the cause of the accident. Unlike auto accidents, truck accident cases often involve more complicated issues, as the trucking industry is heavily regulated. Federal Motor Carrier Safety regulations govern the hours of service for commercial vehicles. Additionally, commercial vehicles may also have black boxes and GPS tracking devices. Regardless of whether they have been occupied at the time of the collision, it can provide important information.
It is important to contact law enforcement after a truck accident to help document evidence of the accident and to determine who was at fault. Gather contact information of any witnesses in the accident scene, such as drivers of the other vehicles. These witnesses will often be crucial to determining fault in a case of disputed liability. After the investigation is complete, contact a qualified truck accident lawyer to help you pursue the compensation you deserve. You can hire a board-certified civil trial attorney to represent your interests.
Although a truck accident may leave you with minor injuries, severe injuries can result. The driver of the larger vehicle may not give the proper right-of-way, putting other motorists at risk. The collision can cause serious injuries and even death. However, many truck accidents can be prevented. By following the rules of the road, truck drivers can avoid these injuries. Also, the driver should always wear a seat belt, especially when traveling by truck.