What are emotions and why are they important to us

How Instagram dp photo and our emotions are connected
It is hard for us to imagine our world without emotions. Just imagine how boring it would be for us to spend a day without experiencing any sensations. All sorts of social networks help to save our emotions today, the main of which is Instagram. Having huge popularity among users, it is the most actively sharing of their impressions. However, at the same time, you will not be able to save your favorite photo or even profile from Instagram. To do this, you need to use third-party applications or services (like Toolzu) that have special functions (for example, Instagram dp photo) that expand the functionality. DP downloader for Instagram will remove all restrictions on Instagram and help you easily save your favorite photo or even an entire profile.
How our emotions work ?
In science, there is no single explanation of the term “emotion”. Therefore, let’s see how it was defined in Soviet psychology. Emotion is a longer-lasting state than affect, which manifests itself in the external behavior of a person. Emotions have a clearly expressed situational character, that is, they express a person’s evaluative personal attitude to emerging or possible situations, to their activities and their manifestations in them.
William James, one of the founders of psychology as a science, whose theory was developed jointly with the research of the Russian physiologist Nikolai Lange, suggested at the end of the 19th century that emotions are the result of assessing changes within the body. For example, we feel sad when we cry, not vice versa. James associated the changes with the work of the autonomic nervous system and internal organs. The uniqueness of this theory lies in the fact that it raised the question of emotions in a way that no one had ever asked before. However, it did not pass the experimental test. The idea that emotions are associated with the limbic structure of the brain is also greatly simplified.
The way emotions are connected to how the brain works makes it possible to learn amazing things. Take, for example, the “affective blindside” phenomenon. It lies in the fact that a person who has disorders in the visual system can determine what emotional message an object that does not fall into his field of vision carries.
Another theory is based on the joint work of the autonomic system (what James was talking about) and an assessment of what changes are associated with. As the Schechter-Singer experiment showed, people who were injected with adrenaline experienced either anger or joyful emotions, depending on the context of the situation, while those who were not injected were calm.
Then the informational theory of emotions arises, which states, in short, that if we wanted to do something and did, then we experience positive emotions, and if we wanted to, but did not do it, then negative ones. That is, the point is whether we received information with the help of the senses that we have realized our need, or not. Emotion becomes a kind of reward to the body for doing everything right.
Now let’s move on to the functions of emotions: to induce action, to satisfy needs, to change behavior, to reinforce what we do, to coordinate the body’s responses to environmental changes and communication, to regulate the processing of information. Let’s take a closer look at the communication function. Darwin argued that animals also have emotions that evolved along with evolution. After all, people understand: a dog wags its tail, which means it is happy. And this understanding happens automatically.
Emotions affect thinking, and in most cases, it seems to us, interfere with making a rational decision. But if they did not exist at all, then people would not be able to make any decisions. A good illustration of how emotions are connected to thinking is the story of Phineas Gage. He had an accident – a metal rod passed through his head, hitting the frontal lobe of the brain. He survived, but his emotional perception of reality was dulled. Scientists noted that people with such injuries usually lose their jobs, their families, and they don’t care.
According to one point of view, the explanation for this effect lies in the fact that the psyche helps to navigate in the world around, and emotions allow you to test these hypotheses. If we have experienced a positive emotion, then we have built a correct hypothesis and we can continue to move in this direction.
Our whole life is accompanied by emotions: we are surprised, worried, sad and happy. Some of us show our emotions, someone keeps them under control. And most importantly, we are all capable of experiencing them. You cannot feel real joy without feeling joy, or realize the loss of a loved one without the pain of loss. Through our emotions we live life and fill it with different colors!