
What Can Casino Games Teach Us About Succeeding in Business?

Businesspeople learn skills in their industries from a wide range of places. Some follow in the footsteps of the greats, such as Mark Zuckerberg who was mentored by Steve Jobs. Others go from rags to riches by using their instincts, such as Alan Sugar. Others, like Richard Branson, can diversify their portfolio to remain relevant and buoyant in changing times. But what can budding business giants learn from the casino industry to make sure their businesses succeed?


One of the most popular and tricky casino games is poker. The game is synonymous with someone being strategic and using their instincts to succeed. This is very much the same as business. Poker requires an element of strategic thinking to survive each hand. This means considering what you have in your hands, what you could potentially have, and what your opponents may have. This is almost the same in business.

In business, you are as strong as your USP and what you can do in your industry, combined with how you utilize potential opportunities, overcome limitations, and battle against competitor threats. The good poker player is thinking several steps ahead, which is what the successful business brain does.

Poker is also personified by needing to bluff and keep your emotions in check. Business requires a fair amount of bluffing. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur masquerading as a company ready to conquer the world or a small enterprise looking to expand, you mustn’t reveal any of your worries and doubts. No matter the hand your business is dealt, you must remain stoic and relaxed to tackle anything.

What Can Casino Games Teach Us About Succeeding in Business2

Andar Bahar

Andar Bahar is one of the most popular card games in India – and around the world. Its gameplay is simple. Players bet whether a card matching the house card will be placed on the Andar (left) pile or the Bahar (right) pile. The game requires both luck and skill. The skill is largely down to betting, especially as the game progresses. The game largely takes advantage of luck – which is used prolifically in business.

Luck in business can manifest in many different ways. It could be a lucky retweet from an influencer that catapults your business towards stardom. It could be a lucky investment pitch that hinged on the right person responding to the right presentation. Or it could simply be the luck of placement of a business storefront that attracts footfall. Andar Bahar is informed in part by luck and learning to roll with this luck is important for business.

But Andar Bahar also represents how to use changing times to inform business success. As Royal Panda shows with its Andar Bahar game options, one of these is through a live dealer. The Live Andar Bahar game allows players to experience the tension of the game in a more immersive way. This live option also gives some business inspiration. The game is typically played in person and has been for years. To allow a digital version is one thing, but to then turn that into an immersive experience helps the game compete with other forms of entertainment. Businesses must always ensure they are delivering what customers want and – as we saw famously with Kodak – don’t become obsolete.

Taking business inspiration from casino games might not be the most conventional strategy, but it could be worth trying. After all, businesses and casino games have a lot in common. Both require a combination of planning, strategic thinking, and a dose of luck. The latter is probably most overlooked in business but could be given as a factor in the rise of many different companies and one that potential business giants should consider utilizing.


Blogger By Passion, Programmer By Love and Marketing Beast By Birth.

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