What fruits have the highest amounts of sugar?

We all know that fruit is an integral part of our diet and a necessary source of nutrition. Besides the fiber, vitamins, and minerals fruit supplies, some species contain a large amount of sugar. Although many people tend to lose weight and face blood sugar issues, the sugar content in fruits is not responsible for such conditions as overweight and diabetes. Whether the sugar intake is from the fruit in its most natural form, or as refined sugar in sweets, sugar contents equally encounter in our total daily intake. For the same people amount of daily sugar intake is very important. That is the reason why Better Weigh Medical will dedicate the following post to the subject of sugar content in fruit and addressing those fruits that most integrate fructose and glucose.
A word about fruit sugar
The volume of fructose and glucose vary in species. Usually, fruits contain both types of natural sugar in proportion to 45% of fructose and 55% of glucose. The major difference between these two types of fruit sugar is in the way our body metabolizes it. Fructose is essentially metabolized in the liver, while glucose in our body breaks down in the stomach and requires insulin to acquire in the bloodstream. Fructose doesn’t elevate insulin and blood sugar but as it is metabolized in the liver it is used in the fat making. However, glucose raises blood sugar levels, and the amount of glucose that our body doesn’t immediately use is stored for maintaining glucose levels for daily requirements. The difference between types of sugar is also in the time our body needs to proceed. As most fruits are rich in fiber it slows down the digestion of fruit sugar, while refined sugar doesn’t contain additional ingredients that can slow down digestion so it quickly proceeds to our bloodstream.
What is the glycemic index?
A Glycemic index is a number that shows how much carbohydrates a food contains depending on how much it raises blood sugar. Fruit with low glycemic index is more slowly digested and therefore slowly increases blood sugar levels, on the other hand, fruit with high GI means that they more quickly raise blood sugar levels and therefore increases the insulin. Additionally, fruit with low GI is an adequate choice for people with diabetes, thus it provides the feeling of fullness for longer promoting weight management.
Fruits that contain the most sugar
Litchis (Lychees)
Litchi is one of the fruit with the highest sugar content, it has 15% of sugar which equals 15 grams in 100 grams of lychees. It is beneficial with antioxidant ingredients such as rutin and epicatechin, along with copper, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. Besides its sugar-rich content, litchis are low in fiber content.
One average size mango contains up to 14% of sugar which is 45 grams, so if you are looking for sugar reduction in your diet, satisfy with the half of unit. Additionally, mango is a great source of vitamin C supplying two turds of recommended daily intake. Mango is a great source of fiber, 165 grams of mango supplies 2,6 grams of fiber.
100 grams of pomegranate integrates 14 grams of sugar, and 14% of its ingredients. Besides its high sugar content, pomegranate is a powerful antioxidant with its high values of anthocyanins. One medium size pomegranate donates 6 grams of fiber.
Cherries contain 14% of sugar, 13 grams per 100 grams, and high content of vitamins and minerals, and 3 grams of fiber in 154 grams of cherries.
Passion fruit (Granadilla)
Passion fruit restrains 11% of sugar and 11 grams per 100 grams and 2 grams of fiber. This fruit has antioxidant properties by its high content of 9 grams of vitamin C and vitamin D 8 grams in a single fruit.
Bananas are also fruit considered to high sugar content of 13% of sugar. A medium size banana contains 5 grams of sugar along with 3 grams of fiber. Besides sugar, banana is rich in vitamin C and B6.
Oranges have up to 9% of sugar content, meaning 10 grams in 100 grams of oranges. Additionally, oranges are a great source of vitamin C with 88% and 9% of fiber. Signifying that one large orange can supply your RDI of vitamin C while providing you 4,5 grams of fiber.
Grapes are very highly placed among sugar-rich fruit as they accommodate 16% of sugar, suggesting that 100 grams of grapes carry 16 grams of sugar. Furthermore, grapes are a great source of fiber with 1.4 grams in 154 grams of grapes.
With above listed most sugary fruit, you can decide on alternatives such as avocado, strawberries, peaches, blackberries, lemon, lime, guava, papaya, or cantaloupe. Another thing to keep in mind when reaching for fruit is that whole, raw fruit is a much better option than juice, as the juices lack valuable fibers.