What’s the Difference Between Lab Diamonds and Real Diamonds?

Many people ask: What’s the difference between lab diamonds vs real diamonds? The two types are identical in every way, except for the color, and they’re far less expensive. Despite their difference in color, both are also chemically identical. And the process by which they’re grown is the same. In this article, you’ll learn about the 4 Cs that differentiate real and lab diamonds.
Less impact on the environment
The diamond making process in a lab is much simpler than that in a mine. In fact, lab-grown diamonds have a much lower environmental impact than real ones. For example, a diamond created in a lab uses significantly less water than a diamond mined from the earth. Additionally, lab-grown diamonds produce significantly fewer carbon emissions than their real counterparts. However, it is important to remember that the manufacturing process is still a significant contributor to the environment.
Mining a diamond requires enormous amounts of water, chemicals, and energy. Not to mention a considerable amount of petroleum-based hydrocarbons. The extraction of a diamond from the earth requires about two million times more energy than producing a lab-grown one. This is equivalent to the energy that 1.5 million vehicles burn for a year. Lab-grown diamonds, on the other hand, release only a small amount of carbon.
Less expensive
While natural diamonds are more expensive than lab grown ones, you can still find a beautiful diamond at a lower price. A less expensive lab diamond can be cut and crafted to look like a whole diamond. Special sizes are also available. If you are looking for something larger than a single carat, the less expensive lab diamond may be your best bet. In fact, the weight and density of a lab grown diamond are comparable to those of a natural diamond.
The difference between mined diamonds and lab-grown diamonds is only in the origin. These lab-created diamonds are a better value because they can be produced in unlimited quantities and sold at a lower price. Because lab grown diamonds are cheaper, they have a lower resale value than natural diamonds. These diamonds can be easily sold for less than half of their original price if they are ever sold.
Chemically identical
While natural diamonds are mined and grown on Earth, lab created diamonds are made in a controlled environment. Both diamonds and lab created diamonds have the same chemical composition and optical properties. However, some people are suspicious of lab grown diamonds, which are not the same as real diamonds. Read on to learn more about the differences between these two gems. And while the appearance of both is similar, lab grown diamonds have some key differences.
Aside from their size and quality, lab created diamonds are often accompanied by metallic inclusions. These inclusions can be seen only under 10x magnification. In contrast, diamonds from the earth are entirely free of metallic inclusions. Natural diamonds, which are sourced from deep in the earth, may have feathers, crystals, pinpoints, clouds, and more. These inclusions can be caused by all kinds of elements, including a violent volcanic eruption. Only a handful of diamonds emerge in perfect condition.
When it comes to beauty, colorless lab diamonds are indistinguishable from natural diamonds. Lab diamonds are grown in a lab and are exactly identical to natural diamonds when cut. Diamonds are formed through intense pressure and heat, and the processes used to create lab diamonds mimic the process. In addition, they can be cheaper and more ethical than real diamonds. However, you need to know what to look for to tell the difference.
Natural diamonds are octahedral in shape, whereas lab-grown diamonds, which are grown through a high-pressure, high-temperature method, are cube-shaped. Although the differences are not visible to the naked eye, lab-grown diamonds are not as high-quality as natural diamonds. And because their color does not fluctuate, their value is not necessarily as high.
Has distinct colors
While many people consider mined diamonds to be “real” or “natural,” lab-created diamonds are not the same. These diamonds are created in controlled lab environments using sophisticated techniques to recreate the conditions in which a diamond grows naturally on Earth. However, they do not have the same color, clarity, or cut as natural diamonds. In addition, they may not have distinct color variations. So, if you are looking for a diamond that has an unusual color, you should look for a lab-grown one.
While the GIA’s grading system demonstrates a progression of colors, there are many instances in which a lab-created diamond has a color that is different from its natural counterpart. For example, a lab-created diamond with color F will have a higher color grade than a naturally-grown diamond of the same color. The difference is subtle and is not detectable in person. Consumers can easily skip one or two grades of clarity and color and buy a diamond of the same color.