
Best Bernedoodle Dog Breed Guide! (2022)

Bernedoodles are a hybrid between the Poodle and the Bernese mountain dog. If you don’t know Bernedoodles, you might recognize it by its other common nicknames: Bernese Mountain Poo, Bernesepoo, Bernedoodle, and Bernepoo. The Bernedoodle adapts well to cold temperatures and is affectionate, making it the perfect addition to the family/children. Due to their temperament and intelligence, they are one of the most popular dogs among other Doodle breeds such as Goldendoodles, St. Berdoodles and Labradoodles. Whether you live alone or with a family, Bernedoodles adapt well to both environments. After all – they love attention, which means the more the better. If you are planning to bring your Bernedoodle home, this guide will give you the information you need to provide your partner with the best possible care.

Characteristics of the Bernedoodle

  • Breed: Standard Poodle and Bernese mountain dog
  • Temperament: Affectionate and playful
  • Typical Standard Weight (Approx.): 70 to 90 lbs.
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 18 years

The bernedoodle for sale are mixed with the Standard Poodle and Bernese mountain dog. This dog breed is known to be funny and affectionate to people. In terms of height and weight, the typical standard Bernedoodle is between 23 and 29 inches and can weigh 70 to 90 pounds as an adult. In general, male Bernedoodles are slightly heavier and taller than female Bernedoodles. The Bernedoodle’s life expectancy ranges from 12 to 18 years, which is longer than the average lifespan of many other dogs.


  • To understand the origins of the Bernedoodle, let’s focus on its parent breeds: the Berned Mountain Dog and the Standard Poodle.
  • Bernese mountain dog: Before the Bernedoodle existed; the Berned Mountain Dog came from Switzerland (Swiss Mountains). In the 19th century, these dogs were the definition of farmer companions because of their ability to pull carts and protect farms. In the late 1800s, a large number of working dogs were imported, which reduced the number of Bernese Mountain Dogs until a group was formed to protect these breeds. Introduced to the United States in 1926, the Bernese mountain dog was not recognized by the American Kennel Club until 1937.

Generation information

To understand which type of dog you get, it’s important to understand Bernedoodle Generations terminology. Here is a short example to help you better understand these abbreviations.

Size Information

  • For Bernedoodle sizing, we’ll cover four different sizes: Standard, Mini, and Micro. Male Bernedoodles are usually 10% larger than female Bernedoodles. 
  • Standard Bernedoodles – When a Standard Bernedoodle is an adult, it will be between 23 and 29 inches or 58 cm to 74 cm in height.
  • Mini Bernedoodles – When the Mini Bernedoodle grows to full size, it can be anywhere from 18 to 22 inches or 45 cm to 56 cm in height.
  • Tiny Bernedoodles – When a Tiny Bernedoodle is at its peak of growth, it can be between 12 to 17 inches or 30 to 44 centimeters in height.

Temperament and personality

As for the temperament and character of the Bernedoodle, it depends on many factors such as the Bernedoodle’s life experience, training, and environment. In general, beautiful Bernedoodles are fun, playful, and approachable. Since they learn quickly and adapt quickly to a new environment, they are the perfect dog for children or beginners to train. For a simplified version, Bernedoodles are:

  • Curious
  • Playful
  • Fun and love
  • Love attention
  • Polite


When feeding the Bernedoodle, it is important to keep track. The size and its health depend on the type of food you feed it. The amount of food you feed your Bernedoodle will vary until it reaches adulthood. For example, if a Bernedoodle is about 18 months old and weighs 60 pounds, you can feed it a cup of food 3 times a day. You can feed your Bernedoodle four different types of food:

  • Coarse grinding
  • Moist food
  • Delicatessen
  • Raw food

There are pros and cons to any feeding method you choose. Feeding your Bernedoodle wet food can help them transition through the puppy stage, but feeding it long-term can cause digestive problems. One of the most popular ways to feed a Bernedoodle is that kibble is the most affordable. The problem with kibble is that it can cause problems with their teeth. As for cooked and raw food, interest in feeding this way is on the rise. With this approach, Bernedoodle owners must ensure they are providing their dog with the proper nutritional needs. Improper handling can cause life-threatening health problems. Depending on the size of your Bernedoodle, you will need to keep in mind the appropriate amount of feeding:

  • 10 lb. Bernedoodle – 3/4 cup kibble daily
  • 20 lb. Bernedoodle – 1 + 1/3 cups kibble daily
  • 50 lb. Bernedoodle – 2 + 2/3 cups kibble daily

The above information is for informational purposes only and should not be determined based on this information alone. Several factors can change the amount of food a Bernedoodle needs.


Unlike most dogs that must be groomed weekly to monthly, Bernedoodles don’t require much work because their coats are curly. Bernedoodles are marked as non-shedding dogs due to their curly coats. If you don’t groom them, they will eventually turn into hairballs. For Bernedoodle owners, you should brush your Bernedoodle 2 to 3 times a week to prevent tangled hair.

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