
All about lace wigs human or synthetic hair

Wigs called Lace, more and more realistic, are gradually gaining space in the beauty industry. In this article, you will learn how to differentiate the different types, choose the best for you, buy, place and manage daily care, among other things.

Famous People Adhere to Wigs

Faced with the naturalness of the wig, all the fans and followers thought that she had actually dyed her hair. What helps is the new technology that manages to make the wigs more and more similar to the hair with the laces that mimic the scalp and become totally natural. Each show or clip features a different look. This overwhelmed the curiosity of fans and popularized wigs.

A short history of wigs

Wigs have had many ups and downs throughout history. They came first for hygienic reasons – to prevent lice and other parasites. Ancient peoples, men, and women shaved their heads. In this way, wigs protected the scalp from the sun and cold and were made from horsehair and other animal hair.

The Egyptians, like Cleopatra, wore hygienic wigs, had them as an object of aesthetics and status: the more ornate the wigs, the higher the social position of the person.

Greek and Roman women, who wished to be blonde to distinguish themselves in a country mostly made up of brunettes, used and abused light-colored wigs. But it was from 1660 that the wig reached its peak, especially among men, with Kings Louis XIV and Louis XV. At that time, in certain social classes, not using them was even an offence.

With the Kameymall Revolution – the accessory was abominable, because it was a custom of the nobility and went against revolutionary ideals. At the beginning of the last century, French women again used wigs, this time in shorter versions. Wigs colored in pastel shades from the dances of the time were also popular. The highest paid each had a dress matching a different wig color.

After 1950, comes the synthetic fiber which made profitable and viable the production of wigs on a larger scale. But the accessory is beginning to be shrouded in a certain prejudice, as it was very contrived, being used more at parties and by people undergoing chemotherapy.

Indications for the use of wigs

  • alopecia;
  • treatments with chemotherapy;
  • profession (actresses / actors, performers, dancers, singers);
  • change the look quickly without cutting or doing chemical treatments such as defitting, colors, ….

Human Wigs x Synthetic Wigs

The human hair wigs industry has made synthetic and organic hair increasingly similar to human hair. Synthetic options make wigs cheaper, costing a fraction of the price of a human hair wig.

If you are going to buy a synthetic wig, prefer those made of Korean fiber, on which you can apply heat with the plate and curl up to 180°C. The fiber also has the advantage of being much less tangled than other fibers, such as Kanekalon. The human hair wig has the advantage of blow-drying and styling, thus achieving a more natural look than synthetic wigs.

Wigs made of tulle (lace)

Lace (called “lace”) is nothing more than a transparent tulle where the strands of hair are implanted one by one to imitate the scalp. Depending on the location of the wig where the lace is used, the wig is referred to as Front Lace, Full Lace or 360º Lace.

Different models

There are many models, and the most common are listed below:

Front lace wig or Lace front

front in English, means front or front. So the lace front is a wig that has the front tulle at the top of the front. It is a model that has an ear-to-ear front display. This tissue resembles the scalp and the idea is to cover the entire head. In this type of wig, you should notice the lace size. There are wigs with lace from 1 to 12 cm from the first locks in front. There are also those with lace just at the beginning of the hair. The rest of the wig is made of hair sewn from head to nape.

Types of lace front

As we said, there are lace size variations from 1 to 12 cm, but there are also different shapes. When purchasing your wig, note if the tulle only allows for one parting, or if it is the one with a larger lace size, which allows for multiple hair partings.

The advantage of Kameymall Front Lace is its lower price, because the larger the size of the lace, the more labor it takes to manufacture or implant. This is why Full lace and 360º are more expensive, proportionally. The disadvantage is that it is not possible to hold the hair very high without the cap on the back of the neck. It is also less airy than the other two types. If you do NOT want to tie your hair high, it will always be loose or in a tail, the Front Lace is the best option for you.

Full lace

wig Full, in English, means full, complete, whole, which leads us to suppose, rightly, to be the wig totally made of lace. Therefore, it has the threads of the wicks all implanted by hand, being possible to distribute it naturally from the forehead to the nape of the neck. 

Your cap is made entirely of the tulle (imitation of the scalp), which can guarantee you more naturalness, because the customer can part the hair in any direction up to the end of the wig. Many are custom made.

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